Luxury Darjeeling Tea, grown the proper way. From bud to tea pot.
Fresh from the Himalayan hills, we bring you the richest flavours and smoothest taste because a good pot of tea is made with love. We live in an age where it is important to celebrate those few really fine things that are made with care and tradition... like hand plucked darjeeling tea.
Vioma Valley - First Flush
The "Champagne" of tea, First Flush is exquisite light & fresh tea meant for a true tea connoisseurs. The First Flush is the picking of the new two leave and a bud with great care in early spring.
Vioma Valley- Second Flush
Full bodied & muscatel , Second Flush is a strong and smooth flavor of tea. The plucked leaf is more mature and fast growing. It is plucked in the months of May & June.
Vioma Valley- Autumn Flush
Rich & Nutty, Autumnal Flush makes a lovely finished copper colored liquor to which all tea drinkers love. It is the last season for tea plucking before the dormant winter months.